Since 1993, we have provided civil engineering and land surveying services to a very diverse group of municipal clients, including but not limited to the City of Middleton, City of Kuna, City of Meridian, City of Nampa, State of Idaho Division of Public Works, Boise Project Board of Control, Meridian Development Corporation, Capital City Development Corporation, Suez Water and others.
CCDC Parking Garage Repairs Completed 2020
City of meridian
We have been providing on-call consulting services to the City of Meridian under a Master Agreement since 1993 and over the past twenty-nine years we have provided professional engineering and land surveying services to the City of Meridian on over two hundred projects.
Services have included, but are not limited to the following: the design of pumping facilities for sixteen potable water wells; infrastructure improvements for potable water, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer facilities, street lights and fiber optic cable; design of four municipal parking lots; design of approximately one mile of pedestrian/bicycle pathway along Five Mile Creek; design of a thirteen acre municipal park; facility planning for providing sewer service to the Mason Creek drainage; evaluation of sewer system capacity in the downtown central business district; evaluation of reusing municipal effluent as a source of irrigation water for city owned properties, and other miscellaneous projects through-out Meridian.
City of Kuna
CSC provided city engineering services to the City of Kuna from 1993 to 2005, until they were big enough to hire an in-house city engineer. We currently are providing on-call consulting services to the City of Kuna under a Master Agreement and we are providing professional engineering services to the City of Kuna on potable water distribution, pressure irrigation distribution and sanitary sewer collection system projects.
We have been providing on-call consulting services to Suez Water under a Master Agreement since 2017 and over the past five years we have provided professional engineering and land surveying services to Suez Water on twelve separate projects to expand and replace portions of their potable water system within the City of Boise and the City of Eagle.